Certificates and membership
CSN EN ISO 9001:2001 Certificate
In September 2006, we successfully passed a certification audit carried out by the company EURO CERT CZ, a.s.. The audit covered forwarding and shipping services. Since then, there have been several internal and external audits, during which we retained our certificate.

Membership of SSL and ČESMAD Bohemia
Slemr Spedition is a member of the Association of Forwarding and Logistics of the Czech Republic, and ČESMAD Bohemia (the Association of Road Transport Operators, Bohemia).

Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
Slemr Spedition holds status of AEO (Authorised Economic Operator).

Slemr Spedition s.r.o.
nám. Míru 122
407 21 Česká Kamenice
email: info@slemrspedition.com